The Gauvins

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord
(Joshua 24:15)

More Stuff

Amber Alerts!
If there's an active Amber Alert the banner below will be yellow..

Time Around the World...

Please click the more button and feed my duck.

The Ten Essential
for a safe walk in the woods)

  1. Map
  2. Compass
  3. Pocket Knife
  4. Matches
  5. Proper Clothing
  6. Extra Food & Water
  7. FIrst Aid Kit
  8. Rain Gear
  9. Whistle
  10. Flashlight

And, above all else the knowledge to use all 10 properly.

For this and more great info read on.  Please also take the time to visit 

The Hikers Resposability Code:

You are Resposable for yourself, so be prepared:

  1. With knowledge and gear.
    • Become Self Reliant by learning about the terrain, conditions, local weather, and your equipment before your start.
  2. To leave Your Plans.
    • Tell someone were you are going, the trails you are hiking, when you will return, and your emergency plans.
  3. To Stay Together.
    • When you start as a group, hike as a group, end as a group.  Pace your hike to the slowest person.
  4. To Turn Back.
    • Weather changes quickly.  Fatigue and unexpected conditions can also affect your hike.  Know your limitations and when to postpone your hike.  The trail will be there tomorrow.
  5. For Emergencies,
    • even if you are headed out for just an hour.  An injury, severe weather, or a wrong turn could become life-threatening.  Don't assume you will be rescued; know how to rescue yourself. 
  6. To Share this code with others.
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